Ophthalmic & optometric medicolegal reports provided by experts in their field
Our experts are supported by a dedicated and experienced administrative department for rapid and efficient communication with instructing solicitors.
Our experts have expertise in the following:
Eye, eyelid and orbital trauma
Cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) and management of complications
Ptosis surgery and management of complications
Eyelid and orbital tumours
Loss of an eye / eye socket reconstructive surgery
Thyroid eye disease
Watering eye
Eye problems related to facial palsy
General eyelid, periorbital and orbital disorders
General ophthalmic problems
Optometric diagnosis, management and referral of general ophthalmic disorders (cataract, macular degeneration, dry eye, blepharitis, red eyes, corneal lesions, visual loss)
Optometry practice standards
Contact lenses
Assessment of visual performance using: refraction, OCT, visual fields, colour vision, tear function assessment, corneal topography